What are our goals?
The purpose that unites us and promotes our initiatives originates from the awareness that coexistence between different peoples and various linguistic communities is only possible through communication and mutual knowledge. Our main objective is therefore to support contacts between Italy (primarily Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto) and the Slavic countries, especially those belonging to the Balkan area, as well as the relationships between the different linguistic communities present in the territory national. To this end, the Foundation wishes to facilitate social, cultural, scientific and educational exchanges between the populations mentioned above.
In particular, the Foundation intends to:
- Fund specific and relevant cultural, scientific and recreational events and projects, including on environmental protection;
- To provide scholarships to young high school and college graduates interested in research aimed at improving environmental and social resources for the purpose of alleviating the cultural and emotional distress of the population disrupted by war clashes between different ethnic groups in the same territorial context;
- through studies and research pay particular attention to the 'emotional, mental and social impact of immigrant children and placed in the new socio-cultural and linguistic environment in order to plan supportive interventions at the local community level;
- Facilitate with targeted projects the integration of pupils of different nationalities in compulsory schools with Slovenian language of instruction, without them giving up their cultural-linguistic identity;
- Promote social, cultural, scientific and recreational events attended by representatives of neighboring republics of the Balkan area and the Friuli Venezia Giulia region;
- collaborate with schools with an Italian teaching language that are particularly sensitive to the new multi-ethnic reality of the students;
- raise public awareness by organizing conferences and meetings on the problem of coexistence between different ethnic groups, also in collaboration with research institutes.