Who we are

The Foundation was formed thanks to a group of people who wanted not only to honor the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Polojaz, but also to be inspired by some of the principles they held dear. Most of the members come from Friuli-Venezia Giulia (A. Lokar, G. Lokar, B. Lokar, V. Lokar, A. M. Oblak, S. Polojaz, V. Polojaz), three others (A. Braun, F. Donzelli, S. Pasquato) come from nearby Veneto.

A Scientific Committee is also active in the Foundation, chaired by the President (Dr. Vlasta Polojaz) and including Dr. Andrea Braun, Dr. Paolo Fonda, Prof. Alessio Lokar and Dr. Stefano Pasquato. The Scientific Committee is responsible for proposing projects, evaluating any initiatives submitted as well as verifying whether they are relevant to the objectives stated in the Statute.